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Winter & Holiday Marketing Ideas

The holidays are just around the corner. It’s time to start implementing some winter and holiday-related promotions. If you’ve watched TV anytime since Halloween, you’ll see that large businesses are starting earlier and earlier each year. Time for you and your small business to leverage some holiday cheer. We all know that Thanksgiving kicks off…

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Use Graphics to Enhance Social Media

Articles with beautiful graphics continue to show: the more appealing you make your online communications, the more likely it’ll get pinned, re-blogged, linked to . . . you name it. This is an attractive piece on how to create those infographics we can’t get enough of (Thank you mashable.com). Some key ideas to take away…

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Using Pinterest to Market Your Business

There’s a great (and beautiful) article featured in Entrepreneur Magazine about using Pinterest to market your business. The intro paragraph brings up a good question. Not everyone needs to be jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon just because it’s there. What kind of businesses can benefit from having a picture-pinning profile on Pinterest? (Say that five…