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Use Graphics to Enhance Social Media

Articles with beautiful graphics continue to show: the more appealing you make your online communications, the more likely it’ll get pinned, re-blogged, linked to . . . you name it. This is an attractive piece on how to create those infographics we can’t get enough of (Thank you mashable.com). Some key ideas to take away…

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Using Pinterest to Market Your Business

There’s a great (and beautiful) article featured in Entrepreneur Magazine about using Pinterest to market your business. The intro paragraph brings up a good question. Not everyone needs to be jumping on the Pinterest bandwagon just because it’s there. What kind of businesses can benefit from having a picture-pinning profile on Pinterest? (Say that five…

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Where are your clicks going? Let’s Talk about Landing Pages

I’ve been talking about landing pages with a few clients recently, and I came across this video from Google Adwords about getting the most out of your landing page. The three principles discussed in the video apply to all landing pages – whether you’re selling a product online, promoting a special, or just trying to…

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Nice Sales Advice from a Surprising Source

Words of wisdom for mind, body and health are easy to find inside Martha Stewart’s Whole Living magazine. But this month’s issue has a recipe for Self-Promotion. I thought I’d include tidbits here for your enjoyment. Be One with Your Work Stand in integrity with what you’re selling. You’re putting something out there that you…