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10 Ways to Use Your Logo

Let’s talk about putting your best foot forward in everything you do. Do you have forms, sales sheets, applications, and other paperwork that you require your clients to fill out? Do you ever need to make sales presentations using PowerPoint?

Once you have your new logo and a defined brand, it’s important to apply your new graphics, in a professional manner to all of your stationary and presentations – anything that a customer may see should be properly branded so you’re always putting your best foot forward.

Here are 10 Ways to Use Your Logo so you always look professional:


A letterhead makes your documentation look cohesive and seamless, even if it’s just a MS Word Doc that you print yourself.


Can’t afford to have them printed? Consider getting professionally printed labels or ink stamps.


Most invoicing software, including Quickbooks, allows you to upload a logo so your invoices are unmistakably yours.

Forms and Applications

If you’re having someone fill out something for you business, make sure it’s on a professionally-presented and properly-branded form

Thank You Cards/Notecards

Notecards are a great way to ensure referral business is handwritten communication. Are you missing an opportunity to put your brand in-front of someone?

Smartphone Case

If you’re in the mobile app business or social media business, then it’s a great idea companies like Zazzle.com.

Notepads/Sticky Notes

Find yourself in client meetings and leaving notes behind or sharing contact information? Why not have some branded notepads for you to use so when you do share that “scrap paper” with your customer, it has “you” written all over it.

Two Pocket Folders

Do you ever hand a client lots of papers at once? If you use generic 2 pocket folders or binder clips often when giving papers to a client, consider using a well designed 2 pocket folder so your information stands out.


Sometimes printed folders and products are not in your budget. Stickers on the other hand, tend to be very inexpensive. A nicely designed sticker placed on a folder can make a good substitute if folders cost too much.

Press Kits

Not an out-of-fashion idea! Having a digital media kit to talk about you and your business is still essential. Design it properly to reflect your brand, and you’ll stand out.

Need a professional?

Hot Dog Marketing is a full-service marketing agency with expert designers that know how to convey your brand for print and digital resources. Book a consultation and get a project quote from us!

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