It’s Time to Make Your Website Mobile-Responsive

It’s Time to Make Your Website Mobile-Responsive

The time has come folks – if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, then it’s time to upgrade! Google announced this past week what we all thought was coming. If you haven’t redesigned your website to be mobile-friendly yet, your new deadline is April 21st. Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as…

Why Your Brand is More Than a Logo
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Why Your Brand is More Than a Logo

A common misconception about branding is that it’s simply the graphic design process behind developing your marketing materials or the logo design. While a majority of the branding work Hot Dog Marketing does for clients is related to developing that print and web “look” that supports the right message, there’s a deeper level we can…

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How Often Should You Update Your Website?

Jumping on the content marketing band wagon? Well, it’s about time! Customers are searching right now for information only you can provide for them, but they can’t find you unless you’re publishing new and interesting information to your website regularly. This can be in the form of a blog, news story or press release, ebook…