How Often Should You Update Your Website?
Jumping on the content marketing band wagon? Well, it’s about time! Customers are searching right now for information only you can provide for them, but they can’t find you unless you’re publishing new and interesting information to your website regularly. This can be in the form of a blog, news story or press release, ebook or enewsletter. Scared to take the first step because of the extra work entailed? Here are some ways to stay consistent with updates knowing what the uphill battle looks like.
Need Leads Now!
Update Your Website Three Times a Week

The formula is pretty simple: the more often you update your site, the better your overall audience engagement is going to be. Fresh new content on your site means you have a constant stream of relevant info flowing to your social media channels, driving traffic back to your site. The better your overall engagement, the better search engines like Google and Bing respect you and see you has a vital information source.
If you’re anxious to get your SEO into high gear and need that web traffic in the next month to two months, this is the route to take. Nothing happens over night, but you certainly start revving the fire behind your website by actively updating your site three times a week with good audience-focused content.
Can I speed up the process by doing it every day?
You may or may not benefit from updating your website everyday. If you’re lucky to begin a following of RSS subscribers, they may be turned off by everyday website updates and start to unsubscribe. You may also find your content suffering at that rate too. Content is king! If your articles are no good, then no one will listen.
Looking for Consistent Growth
Update Your Website Once a Week
You may already know that you’re limited mental bandwidth can only handle hopping online once a week to update your website. That’s OK! Consistently posting to your website once a week is still a remarkable move in the right direction. Not only that, it is much easier to plan and execute 4-5 thoughtful web updates a month than 12-15. Posting at this rate will take you longer to gain traction, but it’ll be good, fully engaged traction with a dedicated audience. Look for online gains in the four to six month range. If you know when your peak marketing seasons are going to be, you can plan ahead with this approach.
Simply Seeking Consistency and Branding
Update Your Website One to Two Times a Month
Any sort of content marketing done with consistency is worth doing, even if you’re only logging on once a month. You’ll see the fruit of this labor in the six to twelve month range. While much slower, if you’re feeding your social media networks regularly and again, writing amazing online content, you will still benefit greatly. You’ll strengthen your online reputation, exert your subject matter expertise, and you’ll see good web traffic by the end of the first year. It might be good to write longer more thoughtful pieces if you’re looking at this slower approach. You’ll be able to leverage longer articles in more ways throughout the month if there’s more meat to them.
Updating your website less than once a month will most likely not yield the kind of marketing results you’re after. It’ll seem inconsistent at that point and your potential audience is less likely to follow you. Hot Dog Marketing offers content marketing and social media management services. If you feel overwhelmed, let us help!