Marketing-strategies-for-saas-companies Hot Dog Marketing
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How to Set Marketing Goals for SaaS Companies

What does your company look like when you’ve “made it?” How can you set marketing goals to get you there? Growth companies often look at marketing as a necessary “cost of doing business,” rather than using it strategically to accomplish their overall business goals. The assumption being that their SaaS product or service will “sell…

core web vitals icon Hot Dog Marketing

Core Web Vitals: What they are and why they’re important for your website’s success

What do Core Web Vitals mean for your website? How can you use them to improve the user’s experience on your website? Google is constantly updating its algorithm and searching for new ways to serve users the best and more relevant content. While there are over 200 different ranking factors (according to Google), one undeniably…

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Logo vs. Brand: What’s More Important?

A logo and a company’s brand are completely different aspects of a company’s persona. Simply adding your logo to your company’s materials does not create a brand. If you devote all of your resources and energy to only creating a logo that you love, you are still missing many pieces of the much larger puzzle…


You’re Better Off Hiring A Professional Graphic Designer Rather Than Your Neighbor’s, Sister’s, Cousin’s, Friend Down the Street

I’m a bit past my 10-year mark as a professional graphic designer. According to Malcolm Gladwell, that means that I should have just about met the 10,000-hour rule and I should be a “Master” at my profession. But I don’t feel like a master quite yet. Evolving trends and new technology are big parts of…

visual hierarchy
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The Importance of Visual Hierarchy in Design

How do you communicate what’s most important on your website? Did you know you can use design concepts to do this? An essential task of a graphic designer is to present visual information in an organized manner. Well executed visual communication leads a viewer through content in an intended order of importance. Content can consist…