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Your 2015 Marketing Resolutions

It’s the New Year!

Time to step back and ask yourself, “What do I want to do differently to grow my business in 2012?” Here are Hot Dog Marketing’s thoughts on what should make your 2012 New Year’s Resolution list:

1. Trim the Fat
No matter how big or how small, there’s probably some extra bulk in your marketing budget that would be better spent else where. What isn’t working for you? Are you getting ROI from your advertisements? Are you spending an arm and leg on online systems when you need to streamline? Examine your 2011 marketing projects and re-evaluate the projects that haven’t returned any of your investment.

2. Add Muscle
Have you been running your own marketing campaigns? Maybe it’s time to ask for help or get an outside perspective. Sometimes when business slows and you realize the same tricks aren’t working any longer, it’s time to get a referral for a knowledgable marketing consultant.

3. Take a Risk
Now that you’ve pulled the plug on marketing initiatives that haven’t been working for you, why not parlay that money into a riskier, bolder idea. Maybe you’ve been running Google ads when really, you secretly want to try billboards. If you can afford it, try it! Just make sure you track your results. Any company that sells advertising will make you a good deal if you ask for it.

4. Offer a Special of Your Own
Why let the Groupons and LivingSocial.coms of the world take profit away from you? With your own email campaign and online advertising (and maybe a little word-of-mouth), you can offer your own ridiculous special to customers on your own. Use specials as incentives to sign-up for your email list or follow you on social media.

5. Spend More Time Investing in the People Factor
For small businesses, it’s all about networking and customer service. Shy business owners, listen up – time to find someone to be the face of your business. Someone needs to pound the pavement to make those beneficial business relationships.

Retail and service companies – hear this! Customers are increasingly dissatisfied with the service they receive from retailers. Be different. Offer world-class customer service and take time to train your employees. Make a pledge today to not let another day go by with poor customer service.

Have more ideas for marketing resolutions? Comment today and check back for blog updates.