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How You Can Grow Your Business with Email Automation  

Marketing automation is a useful tool for businesses to manage routine touch points to bring a client to sale and maintain contact with afterwards. Of course, this is just a generalization for a vast and intricate system. 

We personally prefer using HubSpot for their marketing automation capabilities. 

According to Hatch, they were able to cohesively see the company’s entire pipeline performance at a glance and empowered them to make strategic decisions to tweak and improve their campaigns and sales touch points. 

They identified marketing automation as one of the keyways they were able to bring higher qualified leads down the pipeline. 59% of people say email marketing influences their decisions when making a purchase.  

The business wasn’t a large one either, identifying as a mid-size marketing company with only 25 to 200 employees. If they’re able to find results using automation, why can’t you?  

Generate Higher Quality Leads with Lead Generation Email Marketing

Email marketing automation is one of the most common ways to use HubSpot’s automation tool, and with good reason. From welcome emails to re-engagement emails, you can stay at the forefront of your customer’s mind without having to send out a flurry of communiques individually.  

You might have encountered email automation without even realizing it. Has Amazon ever sent you an “abandoned cart” email, reminding you of something you decided not to buy earlier? That’s automation. 

Customizing Your Messaging  

Typically, before we even start to think about leads, let’s consider your audience. What is the ideal customer for your business? How do they go from finding out about your business to purchasing a service or product?  

Customizing these specific scenarios helps inform the campaigns that will not only help drive traffic to your website but gain higher quality leads in your pipeline.  

Identifying Your Purpose 

Say you want to generate more leads. Typically, we recommend offering something valuable upfront to your audience. Whether this is a webinar, educational video series, or eBook that is useful to those in the industry, you should offer this valuable content on a gated landing page.  

Once someone fills out the form, they’ll be enrolled automatically into an email marketing campaign based on that action.  

You can customize your workflows in HubSpot to lead prospects through a journey. You grant them the information they asked for and continue to touch base to inform them of your product.  


If these contacts stay engaged, you can nurture these leads until they’re ready to talk to someone.  

And guess what? 

You can automatically grant someone the chance to book an appointment with your company through HubSpot’s Sales CRM.  

This sounds great and all – but how do you start? 

Partner with an Email Automation Expert    

Partnering with a digital marketing agency is a great way to focus on bringing in higher quality leads to your sales pipelines and maintain your current customer base. Hot Dog Marketing has experience with transparent pricing and short contracts to ensure you are as strategic as possible when working with our agency.