10 Things That Are Killing Us Lately
Before you know it, it’ll be 2017. But until the New Year, we have a ton of stuff that is just killing us right now, and we thought we’d vent a little for your entertainment.
10. Favor doesn’t deliver to Round Rock.
When will we get to take advantage of someone else running to Starbucks for us?
9. Passwords!
We’re drowning in them.
8. Explaining our relevancy despite Google Analytics.
Shortened links are reported as direct traffic in Google Analytics, not referral from social! Ugh.
7. Client comments like, “I like it but can you make it better?”
‘Nuff said.
6. Where’s the new Marcus Lemonis show?
We thought The Partner was coming out soon.
5. Snapchat.
Our clients aren’t on it, but we wish they’d follow us. (It’s so much fun guys).
4. Penguins and Opossums.
Thank you Google for keeping us on our feet.
3. When can we buy tickets for Rogue One?
We’d probably get more work done if we weren’t searching for answers.
2. There’s really only 8 productive weeks left in the year.
Which we means we’ll be killing ourselves until year end.
1. The election.
Is it over yet?