Common Marketing Myths: Part 2

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Did you miss Part 1? Watch it here.

It’s time for our 11th blogcast, a part two about the many misconceptions about marketing, that Jessica and Kevin hear on a regular basis! And since our goal here is for you to be educated about how marketing works, because the more educated you are the more you are going to get out of your marketing efforts, we debunked a few more myths!

In episode 10, we recently talked about one of the biggest challenges internal marketers face is that they aren’t set up for success and we believe its because of the beliefs they have on how marketing should work and what it is.

“We use social media to market we don’t need a website.”

One main problem with this is that you don’t own any content you put out on social media. You also can’t control how content is being shown on social media platforms, especially with the constant algorithm changes.

An example of this is when Facebook went public, things became monetized and Facebook changed their algorithm. Many businesses ran into problems when this happened and saw a drastic drop in leads. When you have a website, it’s your content and your brand, meaning you can control the experience people have and what they see when they land on certain pages.

Social media platforms are a great channel but not a hub to drive traffic to, a website is a hub. Imagine being at a shopping mall and you receive a customer but have nowhere to direct them inside the mall because you have no storefront. Not having a website is quite like that.

This concept can also be for businesses that haven’t updated their website in years, just imagine how much more business you would gain if you had a more up-to-date hub of information for potential customers or clients.

Let’s be honest here, when most of us look up any information it usually goes from google to a website, if the company you may be looking for doesn’t have a website, or the website doesn’t have up-to-date information, many may stop at that point. If something would have come up, you may have received a lead, so not having a site may have you losing potential customers.

“My website looks good, I don’t need Social Media or SEO.”

When you have a website, you have to drive traffic to it and to do that you use SEO and Social Media to get potential leads to your website.

Think about building a new home.

You went through all the trouble of picking up a nice plot a land, you spent a lot of money on the most beautiful home design and decor, and then you invite no one to come and see it.

Not driving traffic to your site is like that!

You went through all the trouble of picking a hosting environment, spent lots of money on the best design and layout, and then you invite no one to see it.

With websites, the saying that if you build it they will come is a myth when in reality the website isn’t a menu they aren’t at the restaurant yet.

The best customers are actually the ones that come to your site and aren’t yet ready because they are building confidence in your company before interacting with you.

Right now, it’s even more important for you to have a good, working website because you can’t go out and prospect like usual due to the many restrictions in place everywhere.

How are you engaging in the work that people are doing in their day-to-day lives and understanding their need for your service or product?

You can’t do it with Social Media alone and you can’t do it with just a website, you need both working together.

What’s the difference between marketing and advertising, are they the same thing?

In the words of our Top Dog, no.

Marketing is a big picture of the business’s fundamental pillar that drives growth and value for a business while advertising is one of the ways you might do some marketing.

People that are looking for advertising might be looking for one campaign at this moment while people needing marketing are those trying to figure out how to communicate and drive value and they might do some advertising along the way.

Go more in-depth on these topics in the blogcast above and learn why your business really needs it all to do its best as Jessica and Kevin talk about more common marketing myths. And, be sure to check back for our next Zig When They Zag blogcast episode!