Misconceptions of Working with an Agency

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As the Top Dog said, if you get nervous about what we’re doing and why, you now have a blogcast to comfort those worries. And episode 12, Misconceptions of Working with an Agency, might help give you a little more insight into why we do the things we do.

When you sign up to work with an agency, you have to remember it is a totally different experience than working with a contractor or a freelancer, and if a client doesn’t fully understand where a marketing agency falls in line in their business plan, then many opportunities to add the full value of the work will be missed.  

You Hired a Social Media Shop with a Content Farm in the Back

Although a big part of digital marketing revolves around the content a business puts out, with a large portion and attention going to social platforms, that’s not the main goal of working with a digital marketing agency. We’re all about strategic marketing and strategic growth, not a production shop but a partnership. You’re entrusting us with your business goals, so we work hard to partner our expertise and bring you framework, tools, and experience with your expertise and experience in your industry. 

We Can Just Jump in Where You Left Off

As eager as we are to get into the project, there may be some marketing problems that you need to work through before you sit down to talk with us. It’s important for us to come up with the right solution and tactics and not just jump into the deep end, which is why we like to approach it in the four steps that Kevin and Jessica mention in the blogcast. 

There have been numerous times we’ve built up engagement and trust for a client, only for us to realize there’s a bigger problem in the pipeline, and when it’s something we may not have designed or have control over like a website landing page or email newsletter, there can be a disconnect between the marketing channels. That’s why we like to explore together with our clients what works best and what makes sense for the first few months of services. 

If I Hire a Marketing Agency Everything Will Move Faster

Although we may move faster than an internal team, we don’t work overnight on strategy and it’s important to remember that we want to be partners in terms of achieving your business goals and we have designed our many marketing processes with these misconceptions in mind. 

The beginning of your digital marketing strategy is the base work of the whole campaign and many clients also don’t realize that we have many pieces to bring together to get you started and, to allow you to continue your journey, we also need your help tremendously to not get slowed down with internal communication in the process.

Most importantly it’s necessary to reiterate that we are here for a partnership and to deliver value to your business’ marketing plan, and once you learn about the many misconceptions people have when working with a marketing agency, stay on the lookout for episode 13, Why Great Business Leaders Get Stuck on Marketing.