Common Marketing Myths: Part 1

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In the first conversations with a new client, a lot of what we have to do is undo their belief system of marketing to get them going on the right path. Some may even believe that marketing is unnecessary for their company or in their industry, but in reality, it is needed across all markets.

If you think about making a decision to purchase a product, you usually gravitate towards things you trust and know. It’s the same for your clients and customers, the decision is easier when a relationship with the brand is established at some point in the sales journey, whether through online marketing, word of mouth or even networking!

Our founder Jessica Scanlon, and our Director of Strategy Kevin Ring, take us through some marketing myths they encounter on a regular basis and help debunk some of the mindsets they have had to face when working with clients, to help you better understand the need for digital marketing in our 9th blogcast episode, Common Marketing Myths: Part 1.

In this blogcast, we touch on what people believe marketing to be and what it’s worth as Kevin and Jessica talk on a few myths about marketing.

Our Ideal Customer is Everyone

Unless you are a huge corporation, trying to market to everyone can be expensive and you can even be throttling your business’ growth because you’re wasting so much effort marketing to people who don’t value how you operate.

Realistically, you really have 1-2 customer personas, and a marketing team can help you create a map of what they are looking for and their likes, to help you find high-quality customers that match the description.

I Understand the Value We Bring Our Customers

You may think you know, but do you really? Most clients come to us because some aspect of the sales process isn’t connecting or translating the way it needs to, so you can reach your ideal customer. Whether the messaging, brand, or visual identity or even the content itself, you need to be sure everything supports that positive customer interaction.

Take the haircut analogy.

You’re taking your child to get their first haircut. But, the value lies with the parent, not the kid or the haircut itself.

Parents value a haircut that not only looks good, but the overall experience and the parent’s perception plays a big role.

We’ve Done Great with Growing, We Don’t Need Marketing

You may think you’re pulling in many potential customers, but are you receiving highly pre-qualified warm leads? Having a marketing expert means you have someone building out systems and augmenting sales to make it scalable.

Other business owners may think their market is all word of mouth sales, even though that may be working, why not go bigger and make a name for yourself? Digital marketing allows for your customers to educate themselves on your products, services, and company. If you keep marketing over time, you can close more projects or sales and get more business because of it! Your company’s reputation can be curated through marketing and content marketing, so why not put a positive spotlight on your business?

Watch our latest blogcast, debunk some common marketing myths and see why having a marketing partner can help your business grow, and then watch out for episode 10, Holding Internal Marketing Teams Accountable.

Check out Common Marketing Myths: Part 2 here.