7 Tips to Help Small Business Owners Make It to 5 Years
Hot Dog Marketing is celebrating our 5-year anniversary this month! We made it over this big business anniversary hurdle by following some great advice and wisdom that fellow business owners shared with us. Here are our top tips for small business owners from Top Dog Jessica Scanlon.
1. Develop a Memorable Brand
2. Start Marketing Online Early
3. Stand by Your Brand
4. Hire Good People
5. Pick a Mentor, Mentor Group (or Celebrity) for Advice
6. Constantly Improve Your Processes
7. Celebrate Your Triumphs, No Matter How Small
We’d love to help your small business get to 5 years (see #4)! Our online marketing and website design expertise, as well as our personal experience with the challenges small businesses face make us the ideal team for to help companies in Central Texas make their mark!