Content Marketing Specialist
This position has been filled!
Part-Time (with potential to turn into full-time)
We are a small, fun group of small business marketers in need of a new teammate! Hot Dog Marketing is a small business marketing agency headquartered in Round Rock, TX, and we serve businesses across Central Texas. We have grown considerably in the last year, so we’re looking for someone who wants to grow with us.
Our new Content Marketing Specialist must have the following qualities:
- Creative, fun and energetic with a good sense of humor
- Pop-culture and Austin-culture savvy
- Professional
- Impeccable customer service skills
- Loves to work in a team environment
- Extremely organized
- Computer and technology competent
- Wants to learn, grow and evolve
- Able to “wear many hats”
- Able to come up with new ways to say, “wear many hats”
- Able to work part-time during the work week
- Able to work in this position full-time if the opportunity presents itself
- Handles stress well
What our new Content Marketing Specialist will be doing:
- Updating and engaging in social media on behalf of our clients
- Updating and engaging in social media on behalf of the agency
- Writing blogs
- Writing press releases
- Creating and scheduling emails for clients
- Coming up with creative, engaging and fun content for clients to share online
- Coming up with fun and educational content for the agency to share online
- Creating and executing a schedule of communication projects for clients and agency
- Obtaining approval from clients on communication projects
- Collecting information from clients as needed to complete projects
- Executing projects in a timely manner
- Tracking time spent completing client projects
- Collaborating with consultants and graphic designers to complete projects
To apply for this position, you must have the following skills:
- Impeccable writing skills (writing samples required with application)
- Excellent grammar and proof reading skills
- Experience with WordPress
- Experience with Constant Contact or MailChimp email software or something similar
- Some experience with analyzing website traffic data
- 1-2 years experience managing social media on behalf of a business, organization or association.
- 2 years of customer service experience
- Possess a communications, journalism, public relations, advertising, English or marketing degree OR 4 years of professional content marketing experience
The following skills are optional:
- Photoshop and/or Adobe Creative Suite experience
- HTML knowledge
- Experience with Hootsuite or another social media management software
To apply:
Email us with your cover letter, resume and three writing samples. Writing samples can include: links to blogs you’ve written; press releases; printed articles; or marketing copy. Samples should not exceed 600 words.