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Top Dogs: Hot Dog Marketing Named Leading Marketing Agency!


After that fateful day in 2008 when Iggy, a dachshund, conjured up our name, Hot Dog Marketing Agency, we have contributed to a storied history that will likely echo down through the ages. For over five years, Hot Dog has been scrapping the Big Corporations for neighborhood-favorite small businesses.

And like the dog we are named after, we love reducing stress.

Online marketing is very few people’s idea of a good time, or so we are told (Hot Dog Marketing is filled to the brim with marketing fanatics). But for everyone else, you need to spend your time focusing on your company’s area of competitive advantage, not toying around with online gimmicks. What’s more, if something has your company’s name on it, you’re going to want to love it. Between SEO, branding, and social, online marketing is not a layup. But if you can win the online marketing game, you’ll gain a huge leg up on your competition and increased sales. That’s exactly what we provide – by standing out!

The B2B ratings and review site, Clutch, compiles in-depth quantitative data, customer testimonies from ace analysts at the Clutch headquarters, and a representative sampling of case studies. The Washington, D.C., firm makes transactions both more efficient and more transparent through the power of information. Businesses are noticing. And apparently so are our clients, who spoke up enough with celebratory and candid reviews that we were named a top digital marketing agency in Austin!

Clutch’s sister site, The Manifest, compiles lists of companies in certain industries. In total, the lists work to give a good sense of industries and which companies, in particular, are high performers. We were fortunate enough to have also been rated as a top internet marketing agency in Austin by the site!

Bryant Smith, Chief of Operations at MVBA, appreciated the customer service typical of Hot Dog Marketing. He said,

“I can count on them to follow through and finish our project. We’re not their only customer, but it sometimes feels that way because they go above and beyond for us. That kind of customer service makes a big difference. We view them as an extension of our company and not just a vendor. It’s a nice relationship.”

Small businesses need to have a unique and consistent voice that gets heard. And that’s where we come in. Full-service digital marketing shouldn’t just be left to the giant companies, allowing them to crush any genuine, hardworking competitors. It is vital to modern business. We work closely with our clients, and never leave them in the doghouse. We love hearing back from our clients as well. With Clutch’s reviews and ratings, we will only be able to better understand client needs and desires! Hot Dog Marketing is the fun, unique, and personable way to gain an online presence.