How to Pivot Your Marketing During a Crisis
Our previous blogcasts have focused on leadership, and even how to identify value. But here at Hot Dog Marketing, we firmly believe that the greatest value is in helping our clients become trusted providers to their clients. This blogcast series is the embodiment of our newest topic, How to Pivot Your Marketing During a Crisis, so see how we discovered where the opportunities were to be productive during this challenging time.
To be able to pivot during a crisis like this you literally have to find ways to angle your messaging and marketing to be sensitive, yet address your customers’ needs at that time.
One thing we’ve helped many clients do over the last few months is walking them through our pivot process to help them identify the opportunities that are unique to these circumstances and their industry. As they go through this process they become known as that trusted provider and it helps to establish a place in the customer’s mindset.
To go through this pivot process means identifying and breaking down your services to the bare elements. As a business owner, you need to think about how your customers are being affected and come up with different ways to deliver your services that meet their needs.
If your business is able to succeed in accomplishing that, then you will blow away your customers by showing them that you proactively anticipated the challenges being faced and stepped in to provide value in ways they aren’t accustomed to and not expecting, which makes them customers for life. And as things start to return to a new normal, you’re already building off of a foundation of great customer service, love, and care for your clients.
But even as states start to open back up, there are still a lot of restrictions impacting businesses. As a business owner, you may sometimes feel stuck and overwhelmed over your ability to really know what to do. Even if you may have the idea, it could be hard to figure out the best way to communicate it and position it.
Don’t worry we’re here to help.
Download our downloadable one-pager to help you better market these ideas and then take a listen to our newest blogcast so you can learn the best way to pivot your messaging and marketing in a crisis!
Our 7th blogcast walks you through this downloadable so we can help you get to your ideal customer and pick the best services to focus on in their time of need. Even though this one-pager can help with any crisis, it does focus on the ongoing pandemic and can help you find your greatest value at this time.
Come back next week for our 8th Blogcast, What is Brand Equity?