Healthy Leadership

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As things start to return to a new kind of normal and we slowly get through this health crisis it’s necessary for business owners to learn how to shift their focus to leading through the downturn and to really prepare themselves for taking advantage of the opportunities that might come out of the changes in our society and in the market as we come out of this challenging time. And by being well positioned you can really thrive when things start to turn up.

Healthy leadership is also taking into account the health of your employees, as Jessica mentions in the blogcast, even though Texas seems to be in this optimistic period as businesses reopen, many companies are still canceling events through next year. So, as a business owner, what are you doing to help your company stay healthy?

Like most businesses, Hot Dog Marketing also had annual planning in place and goals for the year, but of course, no one could have predicted businesses being affected in this way and to this capacity. Especially because it’s not often that we see all businesses impacted by something at one time, and not just in Texas or in America, but in all industries worldwide.

But as we come out on the other side of this pandemic, there are some good things to take away. Such as how it forced everyone to reevaluate their priorities. So, it’s important to ask yourself as a business owner, how have you reevaluated or reprioritized in terms of evaluating needing help for your business?

In our 6th blogcast, Jessica also mentions how she believes that sales cycles will be longer this year when compared to a “normal” year, as people are being extra cautious and not quick to make a final decision, even if they understand the value of your business. This brings up the fact that it’s hard to make decisions without a marketing dashboard and a clear idea of how the market is responding to your services right now, so having a business plan and marketing strategy are really important things to have at this moment. These strategic plans can help you to see how your web traffic is going, especially because new visitors to the site can often times signal when things might happen and can be a clear indicator of if you will get a sale through the pipeline.

If you really think about it, your hero message values your client as the hero and in these challenging times that hero is facing additional challenges, so they need a guide to help them get a better vision of their future. Which brings up the question, as a business owner, how are you helping them see and grow their confidence in you and your services?

Touch on these points and many more in our 6th blogcast on, Healthy Leadership and be sure to come back next week for episode 7!